Côte d’Aumône,
de kust van de aalmoes,
pijnbomen, eilanden op de horizon,
onverhulde kleuren.
zie: gesloten circuit
Côte d’Aumône 1994 olieverf op linnen 40 x 60 cm
collectie kunstenaar
“Instead of limiting himself
to deeply experiencing and expressing
all the anguish of the devalorization
of the world, of error, of death,
the anguish of the human condition
in the face of the vision of atemporal eternity
as imagined by Plato,
by Christianity, and through them by
a whole philosophical tradition,
Nietzsche now takes up the challenge.
He adds a trotzdem:
nothing has value, all is in vain, and yet …
(…) nonetheless, trotzdem, t
here must be a way
to give value to human things.
Things Human, All Too Human
adresses precisely this.
(…) chemistry of ideas and feelings,
confidence in history and science,
Epicurism, innocence in becoming,
reevaluation of the nearest things …”
uit: Nietzsche’s Journey to Sorrento
Genesis of the Philosophy of the Free Spirit
Paolo d’Iorio
translated by Sylvia Mae Gorelick
The University of Chicago Press –
Chicago & London 2016
zie: Schenking / Geschenk(2)
zie: de taal van de dooiwind
zie: senza titolo
zie: /and yet …(2)
zie: /and yet … (3)