TENT Rotterdam (3)

bewustzijn van schijn

awareness of appearances,
solo exhibition by Marjolijn van den Assem

Marjolijn van den Assem exhibition at TENT
unfolds like a stream of thoughts.
The performative side of her practice,
where thinking is an embodied act, is given free rein.
Her recent work draws on Nietzsche’s
abrasive book The Gay Science.
Van den Assem lets Nietzsche’s aphorisms and poems
about our relationship to reality carry her
to the limits of her own thinking.
Using her hand as her seismograph,
she captures thoughts
in motion until they burst at the seams.

zie: TENT Rotterdam, Marjolijn van den Assem
zie: briefverslag

van 19-12-2021 tot 14 januari 2022
tentoonstelling verlengd
t/m 6 maart 2022

TENT Rotterdam
Witte de Withstraat 50
3012 BR Rotterdam
010 4135498

26 november 2021 van 17.00 – 20.00 uur

Marjolijn van den Assem – bewustzijn van schijn
Awareness of appearances

Marjolijn van den Assem presents an exhibition at TENT
that unfolds like an indomitable stream of consciousness.
The performative side of her practice, wherein
thinking is an embodied act, is given free rein.
The sharpening stone for Van den Assem’s thinking
is the abrasive philosophy of wandering nomad
Friedrich Nietzsche.
In her dialogues with his books, letters and travels,
she negotiates the borderline between drawing and
performative writing. What does it mean to hone
one’s thinking on that of another?
Van den Assem follows in the steps of Nietzsche’s
walks and revisits sections of text, devouring them
to set a stream of thought in motion.
She is carried to the limits of her imagination,
often putting her physical limits at risk.
Van den Assem’s extensive drawing series
from the last few years expands on Nietszche’s reflections
on our relationship to reality.
She draws on his book The Gay Science, named after
the gaia scienza of erstwhile troubadours,
who he saw as free spirits. Through satirical poems
and provocative aphorisms, Nietzsche experimented
with concentrated insights that keep thinking
alive and fluid–just as the world in and about which
we think is in constant flux. In turn, Van den Assem uses
ink, pencil, blade, staple gun and, where necessary,
her entire bodily weight in a restless attempt to capture
her thoughts in motion, until they play out
or burst at the seams.
And every time, alongside or behind each attempt,
another image appears.
In addition to the exhibition:
‘bewustzijn van schijn’
is an artist’s book published in 2021.

Anke Bangma,
artistiek directeur TENT Rotterdam

zie: TENT Rotterdam (2)
zie: TENT Rotterdam (1)

Boekpresentatie bewustzijn van schijn:
TENT Rotterdam
platform voor hedendaagse kunst
zondag 12 december 2021 om 15.00 uur
Voertaal NL
Toegang gratis
Reserveren verplicht
Coronatoegangsbewijs vereist
Reserveren via esther@tentrotterdam.nl

zie: Boekpresentatie

zie: Boekpresentatie/Book presentation

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