“Good brushwork is certainly a benchmark for masterly painting,
form does not matter as much as the “spirit”.
From: Chinese Landscape Painting for Beginners, by Li Dongxu
On a trip to China I purchased a collection of excellent brushes,
among them a super-absorbing one:
Gekocht in Shanghai,
bovenstaand wonder van inkt-opnemend vermogen (44x6cm)
zie: presenza(assenza)(2)
“The ink lines express the heartbeat of a drawing”
Li Dongxu
My favorite bottles of Winsor & Newton’s Black Indian Ink…
zie: Dooiwind
zie: Travelogue(4)2011
zie: gereedschap
zie: Winsor & Newton(2)
zie: Gemengde technieken
zie: Travelogue (work-in-progress)
Travelogue(4) (detail) 2011 ink/staples on paper. 658 x 152 x 36 cm. Marjolijn van den Assem.
Zie: Travelogue(4) at the Seelenbriefe-exhibition,
now at the Nietzsche Dokumentationszentrum Naumburg.