Codam (1)

a world class curriculum to empower

the next generation of tech talent’
zie: Codam

As an admirer of 
Corinne Vigreux,
– her entrepreneurship and the inspiring and idealistic way*
in which she set up Codam –
the invitation by and the collaboration with
the Codam students as ‘Codam Art Curators’
has moved me.

05-02-2020 /
the exhibition is extended until later ( due to Covid 19)
Exhibition of a selection of my work by the Codam Art Curators
from the ‘Seelenbriefe‘ and ‘language of the thawing wind‘ books,
zie: Books

a special event will be organized to celebrate this exhibition
(the date will be announced later)

Lichtzwaar! (3) 2013
ink/staples on museum cardboard 95 x 95 x 5cm

zie: Lichtzwaar! (4)
zie: tuinen van theorie (3)

tuinen van theorie (22) 2012
ink/ cut out and laced up drawings on museum cardboard 122 x 92 x 2cm.

Codam Coding College
Codam building 039
Marineterrein Amsterdam
Kattenburgerstraat 7
1018 JA Amsterdam
zie: visit the exhibition

* De PIONIER-school,
de eerste waarvan ik destijds hoorde,
was: 42 Paris
“42, est notre réponse à ce que devrait être
l’école de demain”
zie: Netwerk

zie: Codam Exhibition
zie: Codam (2)
zie: Codam (3)

Victor Tennekes, student bij Codam
en mijn kleinzoon,
is tijdens deze

en andere tentoonstelling(en)
mijn ‘personal assistent