collections (12)

De werken in mijn denkbeeldig archief en de collecties
waarin zij zijn opgenomen zijn een steun en toeverlaat.
Zij die houden van-, zich ontfermen over- en willen leven
met mijn werk worden door mij dan ook op handen gedragen.
Het blijft een bijzondere gebeurtenis om het werk
in de nieuwe omgeving te mogen bekijken
en het meestal pas dán
als een op zichzelf staand iets te kunnen zien.

tracé (17)-(veertien) reizen gaan verbintenissen aan
met wat zich in de tijd verscholen houdt (Achterberg)
1993 krijt/acryl/o.i.inkt/potlood/olieverf op museumkarton
122 x 92cm.
collectie Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.

Sgelare (1) 2008 o.i.inkt/water op museumkarton 46 x 30cm elk.
o.a. collectie Rini Dippel, Amsterdam
(voormalig hoofdconservator Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam)

Some of my artworks will always be there in my imaginary archive,
they “pop up” in my head every now and then,
because they are dear to me.
These are the works that I want to show on my blog
in the “collections”-series, as an homage to their owners.
The people who “live with” my drawings, paintings
and sculptures are cherished by me,
I am and will always be gratefull to them.
It is a precious experience to me when I’m allowed to take
my work to its new surroundings myself,
only then -it seems to me- I can appreciate it
as an independent piece of art.

milde Luft, Spaziergänge, dunkle Zimmer (3)
1994 potlood/o.i.inkt/oliepastel
op museumkarton 122 x 92cm.
Particuliere collectie


Denkmaler/Denkmäler (7) 1995
o.i.inkt/oliepastel op museumkarton 60 x 75cm.
collectie Boaz Tennekes, Amsterdam

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Ida Overbeck


Franz Overbeck and Ida Overbeck-Rothpletz (in 1875)
were Nietzsche‘s most faithful and devoted friends*

Ida Overbeck in “Conversations with Nietzsche”
(1987, Oxford University Press, New York)
Chapter: Professor at the University of Basel/ 1878-1879:

“Near Nietzsche I had the feeling of a riddle, a mystery.
He responded to something like a girlish naturalness
with a certain solemnity against a background of
modest humor and high spirits.
I can still see him walking on the woodland paths,
robustly but still seeking the path, which gave his stride
a trace of awkwardness and unfreedom.

The struggle between aesthetic-artistic contemplation
and moral consciousness had flared up in him,
and his struggle, which for Nietzsche’s way of thinking
and his way of life meant defeats and happiest victories,
is the key to understanding him.

Nietzsche’s need for sentimentality is certain.
Unfortunately it stood in his way only too often
and forced him to endure painful semi-fulfillments.
It had been heightened and strengthened
by antiquity’s view of friendship.
But friendship could not become really significant
for him as a “Lebenskünstler”.
The desire for friendship was not strong enough in him;
he set greater store in the emotional state.

Nietzsche felt a wonderful power of satire in himself.
But on the other hand he had an unusual need for kindness
and forbearance toward others.
When he was visiting us one summer in the early eighties,
he told us, deeply perturbed, that he would yet end up
in prison, to which I answered very cheerfully:
” Ah, Professor, then we will most certainly visit you.”
He immediately became calm and cheerful.
Nietzsche always lacked self-certainty;
such was the honesty of his character and intellect.

Nietzsche hated all conceptual systematization;
he wanted to eavesdrop on life’s own secrets and outshine
everything that such a rich past had inflicted
on man of joy and pain.
A gigantic plan was, indeed, present.
Nietzsche’s soul was a broadly expanding wishful soul
which sought to embrace everything with
the ardour of love and contempt
and to release it transformed.
Not by external contemplation and critique,
but shaping it from the core of life!”

* Nietzsche in a letter to Franz Overbeck in 1881:
“My dear friend, what is this our life?
A boat that swims in the sea, and all one knows for certain
about it is that one day it will capsize.
Here we are, two good old boats that have been
faithful neighbors, and above all your hand
has done its best to keep me from ‘capsizing’!”

zie: Marie Baumgartner (1)
zie: Marie Baumgartner (2)
zie: Marie Baumgartner (3)
zie: Young Nietzsche
zie: Meta von Salis in Sils


Franz Overbeck und Friedrich Nietzsche
Eine Freundschaft

collections (11)

Regen langs de Lek 2003
acryl/insnijdingen/nietjes op museumkarton 30 x 51 x 4cm
collection Van der Vaart, Rotterdam.

De werken in mijn denkbeeldig archief en de collecties waarin zij zijn opgenomen zijn een steun en toeverlaat. Zij die houden van-, zich ontfermen over- en willen leven met mijn werk worden door mij dan ook op handen gedragen. Het blijft een bijzondere gebeurtenis om het werk in de nieuwe omgeving te mogen bekijken en het meestal pas dán als een op zichzelf staand iets te kunnen zien.

Stroomopwaarts (3) 2004
o.i.inkt/acryl/nietjes op museumkarton 36 x 56 x 42cm.
private collection

Bij Goudriaan (op een wankel bruggetje) 2006
acryl/nietjes op museumkarton 36 x 25 x 12cm
collection Loïs Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Amsterdam

Some of my artworks will always be there in my imaginary archive, they “pop up” in my head every now and then, because they are dear to me.
These are the works that I want to show on my blog in the “collections”-series, as an homage to their owners.
The people who “live with” my drawings, paintings and sculptures are cherished by me, I am and will always be gratefull to them.
It is a precious experience to me when I’m allowed to take my work to its new surroundings myself, only then -it seems to me- I can appreciate it as an independent piece of art.

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presents for friends


purple foxgloves (30)( ripeness and deterioration) 2009 grafietstift op papier 92x62cm “voor Hans Timmer, Oosterhout”

“Aansporen tot” is niet vanzelfsprekend, wel bemoedigend.
Dankbaar voor wat hen logisch leek:
for their encouragement, straight from/to the heart, presents for friends.


purple foxgloves (24)( ripeness and deterioration) 2009 grafietstift op papier 92x62cm “voor Wim & Marcella van Veelen, Akkrum”

zie: purple foxgloves
zie: more foxgloves
zie: Foxgloves and Snapdragons
zie: The story of life