” Over tien jaar word ik begrepen (…),
dan zal men mijn geisers kennen,
mijn ijsspiegels zien,
men zal geleerd hebben mijn giffen onschadelijk te maken,
(Antonin Artaud in Navel der Onderwereld)
untitled 1948 graphite on paper 65x50cm.
ANTONIN ARTAUD (1896-1848)
= my favorite artist
Margit Rowell in “Antonin Artaud, works on paper”:
” Few graphic expressions in the twentieth centyry show
the power and authentic inner necessity seen in the drawings
of Antonin Artaud. Executed between 1937 and early 1948,
years when Artaud was mostly confined in various
psychiatric institutions in France or under medical supervision,
these drawings are no more the creation
of an alienated personality than is the prolific outpouring
of written expression that he produced simultaniously
and for which he is internationally celebrated.”
Glenn D. Lowry in ” Antonin Artaud, works on paper”:
“Best known for his “Theater of Cruelty”,
a project based on his vision of cruelty as truth
and as a transforming experience, Artaud was also
an accomplished artist whose drawings record
the harrowing images that populated his mind.
… Highly charged and expressive, as intense
as they are personal, these strange incantations
and spells, fragmented images and penetrating portraits
offer a glimpse of Artauds world.
… The sheer visual force of these drawings,
with their rubbed surfaces, burn marks, smears,
and staccato bursts of line and colour, distinguishes them
from the work of other artists and reveals his unique voice.”
Portrait of Jany de Ruy (2 july 1947) graphite and wax crayon (65x50cm)
La page de droite du cahier no: 310
est occupée par un portrait de femme.
La phrase écrite en haut à gauche est la suite
d’un texte commencé au recto du feuillet 10:
“Car pourquoi mange-t-on /
des produits de son propre corps /
ils sortent / la terre les mûrit /
on les cuit / on les mâche /
on les déglutit / on les avale / on les digère /
on les assimile / on en fait de la merde /
on les pourrit / on les rechie”
zie: potlood op papier
zie: Camus
zie: wil tot waan