
Omeisaurus, in Dutch: Omasaurus (zie: @Omasaurus)

Most skeletons of Omeisaurus were found in the 1970s and 1980s,
during the great “Chinese Dinosaur rush”.
There have been seven species of Omeisaurus named so far:
O. junghsiensis, O. changshouensis, O. fuxiensis,
O. tianfuensis, O. luoquanensisO. maoianus and O. ma(rjolijn).
All of these but the last were named after
the locations where they were found.

Like other sauropods, Omeisaurus was herbivorous and large.
It measured 10 to 15.2 metres (30 to 50 ft) long,
4 metres (12 ft) high and weighed 4 tons.
It had the typical bulky body and long neck
of other dinosaurs in its suborder.
Unlike many sauropods, however,
its nostrils were located close to the end of its nose.
The back of the Omeisaurus was higher at its hips
than at its shoulders.

on the left:  Fingerprint* of an Omasaurus?
on the right:  The last Omasaurus (?) spotted in the bushes…

There’s a rumour going on that
only one Omasaurus survived and she’s on Twitter!
zie: Omasaurus (Twitterae)

*étude des sources (7) 2006 30x23cm. potl./streling
op museumkarton collection: Musagète Amsterdam
zie: Seelenbriefe

Meta von Salis in Sils

Zie: Lago di Cavloggio
zie: Lägh da Cavloc

Youtube video:
The Nietzsche Haus At Sils-Maria, Switzerland

“The summer was extraordinary hot.
Even up there so close to the boundary of the eternal snows,
one preferably stayed in the house at noon.
The wild flora were more luxuriant than ever:
the large, white chrysanthemums lined the meadow path
on the peninsula; between Isola and Sils the underbrush shone
with alpine roses; further up on the swampy mountain meadows
the aromatic brown nigritellas gleamed between
the silver-haired and wool-grasses and dryads
and saxifrages mocked the life-hostile stones.
The two hotels were full of guests and almost every family
in the village had rented rooms.
We were housed in a stately house in the Engadine
this side of the bridge over the Fex Brook
and right next to the Fex Valley road.
The front stairs and windows were full of flowerpots,
cared for by the landladies with undaunted diligence
through the harsh winter.
Here too the splendid sun brought super-abundant rewards,
every pot was filled with blossoms.
A rosebush especially bore two roses of a perfection in form,
color and aroma, such as is not found among its
more favored brothers in the valley.
Nietzsche sometimes stopped to look at these super-roses,
these children of the heights,
of the pure air and proximity to the sun.
Nietzsche lived in the same house as before,
across the bridge and came over to see us
almost every morning and sometimes also in the afternoons,
when the weather was beautiful and the heat moderate,
to take us for a walk; otherwise,
for an intimate conversation in our room.”
zie: “Here my muses live”
zie: The ice is near

Am Weg nach Sils…
(from: Nietzsche. Ivo Frenzel – Rowohlt Monographien)

Nietzsche loved to “recreate” himself with me as a reprieve from his loneliness, from his work and sometimes from demanding visitors. We sat for hours in my flower-decorated room, I with some work in hand, he speaking about what he was thinking, reading, experiencing.
He liked a good listener.

Nietzsche knew how to “share joy” as few people do, and how to show it tactfully. Right after my arrival he had congratulated me on receiving my degree and expressed interest in reading the published dissertation, which, when it came out, seemed to please him, although the paper and type did not seem to meet his expectations in quality and clarity.

Nietzsche had read it (The Insulted and the Injured by Dostojevski), as he told me on an evening walk along Lake Silvaplana, with tears in his eyes. He – that is the salient poin – had condemned a whole series of intense feelings not because he did NOT have them, but on the contrary because he HAD them and KNEW their danger.

In the summer of 1887 Nietzsche was at times very cheerful and disposed to harmless jokes. He enjoyed accompanying me and my girlfriend onto the lake, allowing himself to be initiated into the skills of rowing and enjoying the slight shimmer of danger which the journey took on.

The mostly comical memories finally ended in a melancholy mood, which was expressed on the little footway down from Laret, as he recited softly to himself from the familiar song “Auf den Bergen die Burgen – Im Thale die Saale” the words “Verdorben, gestorben – Ach alle zerstreut” (Ruined, dead – alas, all dispersed). His greatest art of living was the compulsion to be joyful; it kept him, “the man of deep sadness,” alive, and it matured him for his task.

I will never forget our parting in September. The last days before my departure was a Sunday. We were walking along on the shore of Lake Silvaplana, at the foot of Corvatsch. The air had silvery autumnal tone which Nietzsche liked to call “otherworldly”. The lake was slightly agitated and the little waves, in which the rosy evening clouds were painted, ran murmuring onto the sandy shore and back again. “As if they too wanted to shake your hand in farewell,” said our companion in his melodious voice. Then, as we were walking home across a desolate stretch of field between the lake and the slope of Sils facing it, he remarked with a small sigh: “Now I am widowed and orphaned again.”

Meta von Salis-Marschlins, May 1887

(From: Conversations with Nietzsche.
A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries. by Sander L. Gilman)

“1887. Sixth summer in Sils-Maria.
Long visit by Meta von Salis, who was the first
female Swiss citizen to receive a docorate
(in history from the University in Zürich).
Von Salis and FN engage often in deep intellectual discussions.”
Nietzsche Chronicle


Dr. Meta von Salis-Marschlins in 1890
She was a feminist and a history-, Sanskrit-,
philosophy- and lawstudent
in Zürich, Berlin and München

As a tribute to Nietzsche Meta von Salis-Marschlins bought
the “Villa Silberblick” in Weimar in May 1897.
“Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth moved with her brother
to Villa Silberblick in Weimar,
where he continued to live till August 25, 1900,
in the house of the  Nietzsche Archive, surrounded by witnesses
and documents of his budding fame,
without himself having an inkling of it”
Paul Deussen

zie: Memories of Sils Maria
zie: Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum
zie: Young Nietzsche
zie: Marie Baumgartner (1)
zie: jenseits/diesseits
zie: Running around in circles
zie: Reindeer/Rendiermos(s)

Memories of Sils Maria

My video’s of Sils-Maria are on Vimeo








zie: Schenking/Schenkung

After my third visit (1984) to Sils Maria, Switzerland,
Nietzsche’s favorite summer-residence,
I made “reminders” to be able to remember the way I felt,
walking aroud there … and that’s exactly the way
it worked out …
zie: Nietzsche’s Meer van Silvaplana
zie: Lägh da Cavloc
zie: Reindeer/Rendiermos(s)
zie: Ins Freie

Sils Maria-reminders/geheugensteuntjes
die nog steeds werken:

* Wandeling naar “Nietzsche’s Halbinsel”.
o.i.inkt/oliepastel/2 vastgeniette veertjes op papier.
18x17x4cm (1984/1985)
* 6 potlood-wandelingen. 10x15cm elk,
daarop een “bergachtige”, opgedroogde verfklont
26x15x2cm (1984/1985)
* 4 gestapelde o.i.inkt-tekeningen,
aan beiden zijden een “berg” (met plastic bergbeklimmers)
een draad tussen beide bergen gespannen
waaraan een getekende koorddanser hangt.
40x30x7cm (1984/1985)
* plattegrond. oliepastel/ inkt/ punaise/
ter plekke gevonden steen op karton.
14x19x4cm (1984/1985)
* twee wandelingen naar “Nietzsche’s Halbinsel”.
o.i.inkt/oliepastel/”berg” met vlag/ter plekke gevonden
steen op karton en papier.
27x10x1cm (1984/1985)
* 4 getekende wandelingen.
10x15cm elk,  foto/o.i.inkt/potlood/oliepastel/
ter plekke gevonden steen met mos op papier.
32x21x2cm (1984/1985)
* ingeniette, ter plekke gevonden steen,
o.i.inkt/oliepastel/nietjes op papier, 18x18x3cm.


zie: jenseits/diesseits
zie: Dagboekachtig
zie: inleving
zie: Meta von Salis in Sils
zie: The ice is near
zie: Running around in circles

Collections (13)

112 bergwandelingen 1985
potl./o.i.inkt/acryl op papier 122 x 92cm.
collectie Museum Gouda (via Hans Vogels)

De werken in mijn denkbeeldig archief en de collecties waarin zij zijn opgenomen zijn een steun en toeverlaat. Zij die houden van-, zich ontfermen over- en willen leven met mijn werk worden door mij dan ook op handen gedragen. Het blijft een bijzondere gebeurtenis om het werk in de nieuwe omgeving te mogen bekijken en het meestal pas dán als een op zichzelf staand iets te kunnen zien.

“…und habe Heimweh nach Ihnen gehabt”.
2004 8-delig potlood/streling op papier 30 x 23cm.elk.
Pam Kearney-collection, Mankato, U.S.A.

Some of my artworks will always be there in my imaginary archive, they “pop up” in my head every now and then, because they are dear to me.
These are the works that I want to show on my blog in the “collections”-series, as an homage to their owners.
The people who “live with” my drawings, paintings and sculptures are cherished by me, I am and will always be gratefull to them.
It is a precious experience to me when I’m allowed to take my work to its new surroundings myself, only then -it seems to me- I can appreciate it as an independent piece of art.

via campagnano (110) (wilde gevlekte Italiaanse Aronskelk)
2004 2-delig, olieverf op linnen 50 x 40cm elk.
collectie Victor Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Rotterdam

via campagnano (serie 2)(wilde gevlekte Italiaanse Aronskelk )
2003 acryl/potlood/nietjes op papier 52 x 78 x 22cm.
Collection Van Veelen, Akkrum.

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Le temps passe…

Wij ZIJN de tijd.

Een eerste eis en voorwaarde voor een gezonde omgang met de tijdelijkheid is waarschijnlijk: aandacht voor het ogenblik.
Weliswaar zijn wij een uitgestrektheid in de tijd, zodat we ook in het verleden en in de toekomst zijn. Maar dat zijn we steeds in een nu.
We leven nu; en als we ons het verleden herinneren of de toekomst voorstellen, doen we dat nu. Zoals elke betekenisvolle werkelijkheid slechts kan bestaan door de aandacht die ervoor wordt opgebracht – in ieder geval merken we niet op wat ze zonder onze aandacht zou zijn -, zo geldt dat ook voor de tijd.
Dat geeft aan de mens een enorme verantwoordelijkheid: zonder zijn aandacht bestaat er niets van betekenis. Zonder onze aandacht wordt de tijd verspild, verknoeid, verdaan. En zonder onze aandacht voor het ogenblik van nu, verspillen en verspelen we de enige tijd waarin we daadwerkelijk kunnen leven.

uit: Over het verstrijken van de tijd.
Paul van Tongeren. * Valkhof Pers.


Le temps passe, le souvenir reste,
le souvenir est une fleur qui ne saurait mourir…
(Que ton repos soit doux comme ton coeur fut bon)



Henri Matisse chose a cactus bearing paddle-like stems in bloom, a symbol of endurance, the will to live, since this plant grows even in the most arid deserts to bear its flowers and fruit.
(from: Chapelle du Rosaire, Vence)

They say that “Time assuages” –
Time never did assuage –
An actual suffering strengthens
As Sinews do, with age –

Time is a Test of Trouble –
But not a Remedy –
If such is prove, it prove too
There was no Malady –

Emily Dickinson
vertaling: Louise van Santen

Ze zeggen dat “Tijd heelt” –
Tijd heeft nog nooit geheeld –
Echt lijden wordt steeds sterker
als pezen – mettertijd –

Tijd toetst hoe Zwaar het was –
Genezen doet hij niet
Doet hij dat wel – bewijst dat ook
een Ziekte – was er niet –

zie: August burning low…
zie: The Grass
zie: Tsjechof
* zie: Nietzsches vragen

Chapelle Matisse


In Vence, Zuid Frankrijk, werd ik weer diep geraakt
door de adembenemende schoonheid van
Chapelle du Rosaire van Matisse (1951).
De ramen, muurschilderingen, het meubilair,
de vloeren, de fluister-biechtstoeldeur, altaar en toebehoren,
de sprankelende kazuifels, alles van Matisse,
ieder detail doorleefd.
Vanzelfsprekend evenwichtig,

Henri Matisse wrote about his “Gesammtkunstwerk”,
la Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence, France:

“This is how simple colours can effect the innermost feelings,
their impact being all the more forceful through their simplicity.
Blue, for instance, accompanied by the radiation
of its complementary hues, affects feeling like
a vigorous stroke of a gong.
The same is true of yellow and red, and the artist should be able
to play on them as required. In the chapel,
my main goal was to find a balance between a light surface
and colour with a solid wall of black-on-white line drawing.
For me, this chapel is the achievement of an entire life’s work,
the outcome of tremendous, difficult, sincere effort.
This is not work I chose, but rather work for which
I was chosen by fate at the end of my road,
one that I pursue through my research.
The chapel provided me with an opportunity
to set it down by combining its various features.”

“One reaches the creative state through conscious work”

“Preparing the work itself means first nourishing
one’s feeling through studies representing a certain analogy
with the work; it is then that the choise of elements can be made.
It is these studies that enable the painter to give
free rein to his subconscious…
After a certain point, it is no longer up to me, it is a revelation:
all I do is give myself up.”

Henri Matisse From: Chapelle du Rosaire
of the Dominican Nuns of Vence, by Henri Matisse, Vence 1996

Henri Matisse
Chapelle du Rosaire/Chapelle Matisse
fotografie: Michel Boutet

Anchoring Abroad



Mijn “incorporare”-beeld en de verankering*,
die ter plekke wordt ingegraven, zijn vertrokken.
Op reis naar Portugal.
Aldaar, in het witte licht,
zal het beeld zijn bestemming vinden,
een schuilplaats bieden.

The incorporare sculpture and its anchor
have left on a trip to Portugal.
There, caressed by the Southern light,
it will incorporate and give shelter.
zie: werk

incorporare 2007
4mm plaatstaal/rondgebogen/uitgesneden/gelast/
gepoedercoat (wit) 170 x 80 x 78cm.
* gemaakt in samenwerking met Vincent Petit.
verzameling De Bruin-Heijn
vervoer: Peter Mertens

zie: incorporare/decorporare
zie: incorporare (sculpture)

August burning low


Langs de Lek  13-08-2009
o.i.inkt op museumkarton 23 x 30 cm

Further in Summer than the Birds
Pathetic from the Grass
A minor Nation celebrates
Its unobstructive Mass.

No Ordinance be seen
So gradual the Grace
A pensive Custom it becomes
Enlarging Loneliness.

Antiquest felt at Noon
When August burning low
Arise this spectral Canticle
Repose to typify

Remit as yet no Grace
No Furrow on the Glow
Yet a Druidic Difference
Enhances Nature now

Emily Dickinson
vertaling:  Louise van Santen


Langs de Lek  13-08-2009
acryl op museumkarton 23 x 30 cm

Verder in Zomer dan de Vogels
Aandoenlijk uit het Gras
Celebreert een kleine Natie
zijn ingetogen Mis.

En geen Gebod te zien
zo vloeiend het Gebed
Het wordt een peinzend Ritueel
dat Eenzaamheid verruimt.

‘t Meest Archaïsch is ‘t rond Twaalf
Wanneer Augustus gloeit
Spectrale Lofzang zich verheft
die kalme Rust – typeert

‘t Gebed nog niet Verslapt
geen Rimpel op dit Vuur
En toch – Druïdisch Onderscheid
Verhevigt nu Natuur

zie: the Grass
zie: Ode
zie: Oogst
zie: Smilax(Struikwinde)