Nietzsche’s Nice

La terrasse Frédéric Nietzsche, Mont Boron, Nice, France.
(foto’s: Marjolijn, 2009)

On 3 april (1884) the twenty-nine-year-old Resa von Schirnhofer (1855-1948) found the thirty-nine-year-old cave-dwelling “hermit’ (as he has described himself in his welcoming letter) waiting for her as she stepped down from the Genoa-expres on to the platform of Nice’s railway station. Overawed at first by the intimidating presence of such a formidable thinker, the young student of philosophy was relieved to find that Nietzsche was a man of “exquisite sensibility, tactful and of a disarming politeness in his way of thinking and manners” towards persons of the fair sex.*

One radiant morning he took her on a tram-ride to the suburbs and then on foot up the nearby Mont Boron. Near the top they were buffeted by the cold, cloud-chasing Mistral wind, which stimulated Nietzsche’s “dithyrambic” joviality- each gust seeming to lift him up and to release him from the ponderous “gravity” he had mocked in his Zarathustra. After being prevented by French sentries from reaching the fortified summit, they sat down by a plain wooden table beneath the pergola of a humble “osteria”, from where they could enjoy a splendid panoramic view of the littoral, with its beautifully sculpted bays and creeks. Stimulated by the Vermouth di Torino he ordered for them both, Nietzsche began improvising comic verses, making fun of the “bewachte Berg” (well-garded mountain), from which they had been “routed” by humourless soldiers.*

By no means as “half-blind” a he claimed to be, Nietzsche took Resa one day for a long walk along the beach, as far as the promontory and its parapet, from which, he explained, one could sometimes see a tiny black point rising from the blurred surface of the sea- Corsica’s highest mountain top. He spoke at great length of Napoleon, for whom he felt a boundless admiration because of his exemplary “strength of will”, as well as a sense of kinship because of his unusually slow pulse rate: sixty throbs per minute- the same as his own heartbeat.*

* from: Friedrich Nietzsche by Curtis Cate. page 446/447

zie: zielsklimaat

zie: il faut méditerraniser

zie: nagelaten fragmenten


incorporare 2008 4mm. plaatstaal
170 x 75 x 60cm.
collection Paul & Hak Wintermans, België

incorporare =
to incorporate/ out of the body  =

Onontkoombaarheid ligt ten grondslag
aan het maakproces.

Rituelen zetten de toon.
Iedere kunstenaar ontwikkelt daarin
zijn geheel eigen manier van doen.

Nietzsche lezen verplaatst mij
in gedachten naar elders,
“in den vreemde”
vecht ik me in
in de ambiance die ik wil vormgeven.

Cornucopia (Cascade) (1) 2009 o.i.inkt/nietjes
op museumkarton 125 x 92 x 32cm.
collection Van Veelen, Akkrum.

zie: jubileum
zie: volte/leegte
zie: Paper Logweb
zie: Dagboekachtig
zie: new residence


Dit zijn de eerste drie tekeningen
voor “Kinderen kopen kunst”*,
een project van
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam,
te zien aldaar vanaf 4 juli
ter bevordering van de allereerste
zelfstandige kunstaankoop van kinderen
van 5 t/m 18 jaar.

Ik maakte een variatie op een thema**:
Bloemen met de kelken bij elkaar,
in een kring rond-gestreeld.
Vanwege de leeftijdsgroep,
laat ik de bloemen de koppen
bij elkaar steken/ tot elkaar neigen/
elkaar tot dansen verleiden.

Kringgesprek (2) 2009
potlood/rondgestreeld op papier 29 x 21cm

* drawings for “Kids buy art”,
at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,

** zie tekening “étude des sources”,
op boekomslag Seelenbriefe

zie: Art4Kids
zie: Art4Kids (2)