pinus halepensis, commonly known as the Aleppo Pine,
is a pine native to the Mediterranean region:
Pin d’Alep (France) / Pino d’Aleppo (Italy)
pinus halepensis(12) 2013
inkt/grafietstift op museumkarton 61 x 92 cm
verzameling De Bruin-Heijn
pinus halepensis(10) 2013
inkt/grafietstift op museumkarton 92 x 61 cm
zie: Limpidezza
zie: Lichtzwaar!(3)
zie: Lichtzwaar!(4)
zie: senza titolo
pinus halepensis is a small to medium-size Mediterranean tree.
The bark is orange-red, thick and deeply fissured
at the base of the trunk and thin and flaky in the upper crown.
The needles are very slender, long, distinctly yellowish green
and produced in pairs.
The cones are narrow conic, long and broad at the base when closed,
green at first, ripening glossy red-brown when 24 months old.
They open slowly over the next few years,
a process quickened if they are exposed to heat
such as in forest fires.
The seeds have a wing and are wind-dispersed….
zie: pinus halepensis(1)
zie: Stone pine/Pin parasol (pinus pinea)
wat een mooie en spannede ontwikkeling met de pinus halepensis; na het binnenkomen van geel in mei nu ook blauw en groen: stralend! mogen we ze in het echt komen zien?