Sinds ik zijn werk lang geleden zag in
Chateau Grimaldi / Musée Picasso, Antibes (Fr.)
was het ‘vormend’ voor mij.
Ik bewonder de moedige stappen
die hij in zijn werk zette:
de méditerrane kunstenaar
Martial Raysse.
Zijn oeuvre en leven
zijn grillig en bedachtzaam,
inventief en vanzelf sprekend,
het ging niets ‘uit de weg’.
“Un esprit très aigu”,*
il l’a lui-même et surtout
un esprit courageux!

In 2014 ontving Martial Raysse de
Praemium Imperiale*
The Praemium Imperiale is awarded in the memory
of His Imperial Highness Prince Takamatsu (1905–1987),
younger brother of Emperor Shōwa
who reigned from 1926 through 1989.
Prince Takamatsu was famous
for his longtime support of the development,
promotion and progress of arts in the world. *

Photographie Eric Boussonas
zie: Martial Raysse à Antibes. Chateau Grimaldi Musée Picasso été 1982

zie: Martial Raysse at Press Conference, 2014 Laureate *
The 2014 Praemium Imperiale Laureates
were announced by Jean-Pierre Raffarin,
International Advisor to Praemium Imperiale,
at the press conferences in Paris on July 16.
The laureates are Martial Raysse (Painting),
Giuseppe Penone (Sculpture),
Steven Holl(Architecture),
Arvo Pärt(Music) and
Athol Fugard (Theatre/Film).
Martial Raysse was present and expressed
his appreciation for being selected. *
zie: Martial Raysse at Press Conference, 2014 Laureate
zie: Martial Raysse (1)
zie: Performance (4)
zie: fragment, interview
zie: ‘sic transit gloria mundi’