Araceae together clinging

zie: Gistende Parallellen

NOW!… this drawing is taking part in the exhibition
at GIST in Amsterdam:


incorporare(2) 2005 potlood op museumkarton
92 x 55 x 14cm (araceae together clinging)

zie: David Hockney
We two boys together clinging
1961 Oil on board

Walt Whitman (1819–1892). Leaves of Grass.  1900.

We two boys together clinging

We two boys together clinging,
One the other never leaving,
Up and down the roads going –
North and South excursions making,
Power enjoying – elbows stretching –
fingers clutching,
Arm’d and fearless – eating, drinking,
sleeping, loving,
No law less than ourselves owning –
sailing, soldiering, thieving, threatening,
Misers, menials, priests alarming, –
air breathing, water drinking,
on the turf or the sea-beach dancing,
Cities wrenching, ease scorning,
statutes mocking, feebleness chasing,
Fulfilling our foray.

zie: Walt Whitman
zie: vertekeningen/distortions
zie: Video: distortions
zie: Wissel-Werking
zie: Potlood op papier

2 thoughts on “Araceae together clinging”

  1. ha lieve Marjolijn,

    Ik heb ‘Leaves of grass’ gelijk uit mijn kast gepakt; om dichtbij te hebben en voor de komende week weer krachten te verzamelen!

    ” There was never any more inception than there is now;
    Not any more youth or age than there is now;
    And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
    Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.”


    1. Prachtig gedicht ook, dank je wel voor deze inspirerende reaktie, Hieke!
      Zojuist heb ik mijn werk opgehangen bij “All About Drawing”, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.
      Zou ons werk het samen gezellig hebben bij GIST???

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