Talking Heads

uit de serie Landlopen 2021
acryl/potlood op museumkarton 16 x 23 cm elk
LANDLOPEN (doelloos dolen)
zie: Landlopen (1)
zie: Le vallon (8)
zie: il faut méditerraniser
zie: an der Saale (bei 32 Grad)
Talking Heads
uit de serie Landlopen 2021
acryl/potlood op museumkarton 16 x 23 cm elk
LANDLOPEN (doelloos dolen)
zie: Landlopen (1)
zie: Le vallon (8)
zie: il faut méditerraniser
zie: an der Saale (bei 32 Grad)
For some perhaps there is no where.
For those that are not rooted
deep into the soil, the rocky bottom
of a common past of wisdom.
For those the storms and floods
will be too much,
they will be washed away
and disappear from sight,
from memory of men,
and nothing will remain.
But those,
with rock-deep roots
the storms may tear their leaves away
and lay them bare,
just leaving trunk and branches
the floods may flush
the soil around their trunk,
the surface of their roots perhaps
but still they stand,
even grow stronger
by the elements
and more steadfast.
And when the season comes
their leaves will grow again,
their blossom and their fruit
ready to feed the hungry few,
give shelter
in the shadow of their crown
and time to rest
before the journey
once again begins
to somewhere
and to there:
to future home!
… mooi!
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