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Catalogus UItgeverij Lecturis, najaar 2014

BOEK: de taal van de dooiwind:

de taal van de dooiwind
die Sprache des Tauwinds
the language of the thawing-wind


“(…)written in the language of the thawing-wind: there is wantonness, restlessness, contradiction there (…)”

“Is it any wonder that much that is unreasonable and foolish thereby comes to light: much wanton tenderness, squandered even (…)”

I have dwelt between these two sentences written by Nietzsche in the preface of “The Gay Science” for the past seven years.,
In order to physically experience the thawing-wind I travelled from Sils-Maria in Switzerland to Genoa in Italy, the journey from which this text originated in 1886.
I searched for the language of the thawing-wind in Nietzsche’s “snowed-in soul to which the thawing-wind speaks”*, in the landscape, but above all in the imaginary travels in my studio.
I identified with and rebelled against the natural force of the waterfall at Sils-Maria, the coquetry of the cascade in Genoa and the wayward whirlpools of the River Saale  in Naumburg, where Nietzsche grew up:
“der Nebel und ich ruhen auf dem Wasser”*.
Describing the various waterways through drawing them allowed my instinct to penetrate the language.
The “sunny places of thought”* liberated my points of view.
The colours of the sky that say it all above the immaculate beauty of Sils-Maria, the voluptuously yellow Genoa and the walled-in Naumburg on the River Saale made the light’s power of expression truly illuminating.
The language of the thawing-wind experienced, deconstructed, melted down, squandered even…

* Posthumous fragments (1888)
* Nietzsche to Paul Deussen (Naumburg 1864)
* The Gay Science, preface to the second edition (autumn 1886)

Marjolijn van den Assem
(vertaling: Jane Hall)

zie: de taal van de dooiwind
zie: dooiwind
zie: O & O-subsidie
zie: Uitgeverij TAB Timmer Art Books
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